Our Chapters

The Federation is composed of many chapters, boasting over 15 affiliates throughout the state of Michigan. We’ve grown significantly, recording a 133% increase in membership from 2020 onwards. Our Chapters have one thing in common: progressive students working to improve our world.

Our organization is dedicated to the success of these chapters, providing them with adequate material support and connecting them with one another.

Chapter List

  • Grand Valley State University

    President: Ryan Virsik

    The Grand Valley Chapter boasts just over 50 Democrats who organized the club right before the 2022 midterms. They knocked for Hillary Scholten & David LaGrand on dorm floors, and are excited to keep up the blue wave for 2024! The club’s priorities are to keep Democrats in office in Grand Rapids but to expand our progressive majority into West MIchigan. Go Lakers!

  • Saginaw Valley State University

    President: Diva Patel

    The College Democrats of Saginaw Valley State University is an organization dedicated to supporting Democratic candidates on the local, state, and federal level, in addition to promoting political awareness and involvement on SVSU's campus and in our communities.

  • University of Michigan

    Co-President: Jade Gray

    The College Democrats at the University of Michigan represents the Democratic Party on campus. College Democrats works to help Democratic candidates win elections, promotes progressive public policy, and strives to encourage student involvement in politics.

    During election season our organization focuses primarily on getting democrats elected. We work to register voters on campus, volunteer for Democrats running for office, and to increase student turnout on election day. In non-election season we work to promote progressive values on campus and seek to get students involved in progressive issue advocacy and awareness.

  • Grand Rapids Community College

    President: Alex Toren

    We, the Dems at GRCC, pledge ourselves to support the philosophy and candidates of the Democratic Party. Furthermore, the College Democrats declare our intention to support all efforts to increase the participation of college students in Democratic affairs.

    The Democrats at GRCC commit ourselves to service all of our community. We strive to champion rights, liberties, and freedoms of all marginalized communities. It is our goal to advocate for and work towards climate justice, gun violence prevention, and diversity, equity, and inclusion for all.

  • Hope College

    President: Marlie McDonald

    Hope College Democrats is a student-run group to engage students in Democratic politics, help and learn about local level politics, volunteer, and represent Democrats at Hope College, in Holland, and in Ottawa County. We strive to ensure the lives of others are made better by our actions in order to create a better society for everyone to live in, and to guarantee all our actions are to benefit the community rather than strictly ourselves. We will be united in pursuit of a more equitable and democratic society.

  • Michigan State University

    President: Zach Nessel

    MSU Democratic Club is the largest political organization on campus. Foremost, we are a social club fostering a sense of belonging and friendship among members who are committed to promoting Democratic values as well as electing like-minded candidates up and down the ballot.

  • Northern Michigan University

    President: Alec LaPlante

    This chapter aims to take an active part in local, state, and national issues in a fun and inspiring way. We as Northern Michigan University College Democrats seek to pave the path to a democratic and progressive future for all. Although being in the same state, the NMU Democrats are placed in a unique spot in comparison to their counterparts on the lower peninsula. This region which we call the Upper Peninsula is a much more different game at times because of its geographical and political separation from the Lower Peninsula. It's a different game that we are willing to play, and a game that we are determined to win. We are a seed of blue in a field of red, and we must and we will work constantly to have that seed blossom and spread like wildfire all over the region.

  • Oakland University

    President: Kane Smith

    The reformation of the College Democrats of Oakland University (C.D.O.U.) is being undertaken in an effort to give voice, power, and direction to likeminded students. The C.D.O.U. will accomplish this task through the combined efforts of the Democratic campus community. Organizing campus visits by political, scientific, educational, and labor leaders from across the nation will serve to further enlighten the population of Oakland University. We will be a unified assembly designed to further the general cause of the United States of America and the Democratic Party.

  • Aquinas College

    President: Quinn Devries

  • Calvin College

    Coming Soon!

  • Central Michigan University

    Coming Soon!

  • Eastern Michigan University

    Coming Soon!

  • Wayne State University

    Coming Soon!

  • Western Michigan University

    Coming Soon!