Our Executive Board

As guided by our Constitution, the Michigan Federation of College Democrats is composed of 8 elected officers who represent the students in votes of the board. The board appoints 10 officers who help in a variety of different areas.

The board meets biweekly, with minutes and agendas available upon request.

Statewide Officers

  • President Adam Lacasse

    Adam is a senior at the University of Michigan studying political science, and is a transfer student from Washtenaw Community College. Before his transfer, he took time off from school to work multiple campaign cycles in Michigan and Virginia. Outside of politics, he loves the outdoors and tries to spend as much time with nature as he can.

  • Vice President Amber Henson

    Amber is a current Junior at the University of Michigan studying Political Science and human rights in International Studies. Her dream has always been to travel around the world and help those in need. She is beyond honored to be Vice President of the Michigan College Democrats and help lead the youth wing of the party!

  • Chief of Staff Ethan Smith

    Ethan is an upcoming freshman at Michigan State University's James Madison College. He has a large background of involvement with democratic political campaigns, on both the state and federal level. Having grown up in a household with union laborers, the fight to make an economy that works for everyone is of great importance. He is looking forward to working with college students to make progressive change in both Lansing and DC!

  • Communications Director Stella Camerlengo

    Stella is a Sophmore at The American University in Washington D.C. pursuing a degree in Political Science and International Studies. She got her start in Politics by organizing a local school board campaign, then moved to helping out state representative and congressional campaigns, and got herself involved in a great handful of progressive organizations. Outside of Politics, she figure skates, writes investigative journalism, and consumes an alarming amount of matcha and chai lattes.

  • Political Director Akil Kasubhai

    Akil Kasubhai a pre-law junior at the University of Michigan, majoring in Economics and Political Science with minors in Law, Justice, and Social Change, as well as Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences. At Michigan he serves as the President of the Undergraduate Political Science Association, Chair of Professional Development at Michigan Political Consulting, and Chair of Alumni Relations at the Kappa Alpha Pi Pre-Law Fraternity. Last summer, Akil interned at the Office of the Chief of Staff at the U.S. Department of Commerce and has prior experience working in the U.S. House of Representatives and under a County Judge. He is passionate about Rust Belt economic development, countering political polarization, and giving the youth a voice through MICD.

  • Financial Director Justin LaFountaine

    Justin is a Senior at Michigan State University earning his bachelor's degree in Political Science on a pre-law track. He is passionate about politics because of his unwavering belief that mobilizing real people around a common issue creates substantive change. In his pursuit of that belief, he has organized for a number of Democratic candidates in Michigan including Congressman Dan Kildee, State Senator Kristen McDonald Rivet, and more. Justin hopes the MICD can become a strong organization that can help young people in Michigan thrive in the competitive political arena. He is also passionate about creating an equitable political culture in Michigan that benefits all Michiganders up and down the economic ladder. He's excited to get to work with the MICD to achieve these goals.

  • Membership Director Sydney Martin

    Sydney is a sophomore at Michigan State University with a major in business. She first got involved in politics as a way to actively build community and foster positive change in the world. Recognizing the transformative potential of civic involvement, she is committed to amplifying student voices to empower peers, promote inclusive initiatives, and contribute to creating a more equitable, thriving society.

  • Programs Director Marcus Johnson

    Marcus Johnson is the Programs Director for the Michigan College Democrats and a junior at Oakland University studying political science. He is passionate about advocacy and politics. Marcus believes very adamantly that citizens should be as involved as possible in the democratic process. His favorite saying is, "a politician's worst nightmare is an educated voter. I think I'll be a politician's worst nightmare."

  • Secretary Jacen Scaggs

    Jacen is a current sophomore at Michigan State University, pursuing a Bachelor's of Arts in Comparative Cultures & Politics and Social Relations & Policy through the James Madison College program. Additionally, Jacen is pursuing a minor in LGBTQ+ Studies. He became involved with progressive politics shortly before the COVID-19 pandemic started, mainly in assisting LGBTQ rights and disability advocacy. Having worked with State Senator Kristen McDonald-Rivet as a field director and through his position as secretary of the Michigan College Democrats, he aims to help keep the trifecta in Lansing and keep Michigan blue through advocacy and field work.

  • Alumni Director Lauren Hull

    Lauren Hull is the former Political Director for the MICD. She graduated from Central Michigan University in 2023 with a B.S. in Political Science. She is a community activist and a campaign professional. She ran the finance operation for the Kristen McDonald Rivet for State Senate Campaign, raising over a million dollars. In her activist work, Lauren focuses primarily on disability justice and gun violence prevention. She is a Senior Fellow in the Humanity in Action activist network. Lauren has currently accepted an invitation to serve in the Peace Corp in the Krygyz Republic and is set to depart for service in June 2024.

Deputy Directors & Appointed Leadership

  • Dep. Political Affairs Director Naomi Barbour

    Naomi is a Senior at Eastern Michigan University with a major in political science, and double minoring in public administration and criminology. She has worked on several campaigns and is passionate about defending individual rights & liberties. With her background in civil rights and social justice, she is motivated to attend law school and focus on public defense. Naomi is particularly interested in criminal defense as it provides her with the opportunity to identify and address broader systemic issues within the criminal justice system. She has previously interned with the Washtenaw County Public Defender’s Office and the City of Detroit’s Civil Rights Office.

  • Dep. Communications Director Sofia Garnica Aguilar Alvarez

    Sofia is a freshman at the University of California Berkeley with a double major in English and Political Science. I am involved in politics because I believe that people should and need to be able to be involved in everything from their personal freedoms to how the government is involved across the world. I have worked on several local and federal campaigns and have experience in the bill making process. My goals in the Comms department and for MICD overall is to share and communicate our message to young people more effectively. College students should know that this organization is by them, for them.

  • Deputy Financial Director Jerry Yang

    My name is Jerry Yang, and I'm a student at the University of Michigan double majoring in political science and economics with a minor in law, justice, and social change. I have an extensive background in campaigns, political action committees, and government involvement. I'm excited to help out in any way I can, especially seeing the recent impact that young Americans have made. I'm passionate about economics and political theory, and I enjoy studying politics through constitutional law. I look forward to help push for democratic change across Michigan.

  • Deputy Programs Director Noah Johnson

    Noah is a junior at Saginaw Valley State University with a major in political science and a minor in economics. He has worked as an Election Inspector, in the Saginaw office of Senator Peters, with Public Citizen, and on Shadia Martini's campaign for State Representative. He is currently working as SVSU's Cardinals Vote Student Coordinator. In addition to his professional endeavors, he is serving as SVSU's College Democrats Chapter President. Outside of politics, he is active in both Moot Court and Theatre!

  • Federal Affairs Director Stella Camerlengo

    Stella is a current Sophmore at American University in Washington D.C. majoring in Political Science with a minor in International Studies. She found her passion for politics at a young age through various experiences in political affairs and global events. As a member of MICD (and proud Michigander) studying in D.C., Stella hopes to bridge the gap between Michigan and the nation's capital by actively participating in discussions and initiatives that address the unique challenges and interests of her home state. She aspires to not only be an informed advocate for Michigan but also a catalyst for positive change on both local and national levels.

  • Legislative Affairs Associate Jeanette Lawrence

    Jeanette is a junior at the University of Michigan with a double major in political science and history. Also, she is the secretary for the Undergraduate American Civil Liberties Union at Michigan. She believes legislative advocacy that reflects student voices is essential in creating positive change throughout Michigan. Her passion for voter mobilization and political literacy led her to MICD, which she hopes will further empower students to be informed citizens. Outside of politics, Jeanette loves photography, watching hockey games, and listening to music.

  • Communications Outreach and Organizing Associate Keon Henderson

    Keon Henderson recently joined the Michigan College Democrats as an Outreach and Organizing Associate. He holds an associate degree in Business Administration and is currently pursuing his bachelor's degree at Kentucky State University. Keon's passion for civic engagement and community organizing drives his dedication to the organization's mission of promoting progressive values and encouraging student involvement in the democratic process. With a strong background in business and a commitment to social justice, Keon aims to build effective outreach strategies and foster a more engaged and informed student electorate.

  • Membership Associate Robert Pawlowski

    Greetings, my name is Robert Pawlowski, the deputy chief of staff for MICD. I am from Southgate and I am a Freshman at Wayne County Community College; I have decided to further my education through studies of Political Science with a minor in Environmental Sustainability. First, Public Transportation activism is my passion, because everyone should have an opportunity to travel in their cities no matter their financial status or vehicle accessibility. Secondly, I believe LGBTQIA+ rights and Women’s Reproductive Rights are a huge priority. Minorities are the most valuable and under-attacked people in our society, and most do not want to voice their opinions or concerns due to constant fear of discrimination. I want to empower the next generation behind me, if you want change, you have to be the change.

  • Programs Associate Wyatt Alger

    Wyatt is a Junior at the University of Michigan studying History and Political Science. He is originally from Jackson, Michigan and has been a lifelong Michigander. Wyatt became involved in politics in order to have a part in shaping the future of our political landscape as well as striving to highlight the great work being done by local Democratic politicians. He has experience working with state-level politicians and volunteering for local campaigns.

Please note: campaign signage or imaging do not imply endorsement by the Michigan Federation of College Democrats or it’s partners.