The Constitution of the

Michigan Federation of College Democrats

Ratified on the Eighth day of April, 2023

We, the College Democrats of the State of Michigan, in order to unify the youth voice and advocate on behalf of students in our state and across the nation, hereby establish this Constitution. 
Section 1.
The name of this organization shall be the “Michigan Federation of College Democrats,” hereinafter referred to in the document as MFCD.
Section 1.  
The MFCD, as the chartered arm of the College Democrats of America (CDA), pledges to support the philosophy and purpose of the College Democrats of America.
Section 2.
The MFCD, as the official college caucus of the Michigan Democratic Party, pledges to adhere to party rules. All rules and bylaws of the MFCD shall be consistent with the Rules of the Michigan Democratic Party (MDP) and shall be available upon request to any member of the MFCD.
Section 3.
The MFCD shall serve as an advocacy group and collective voice for the students of the State of Michigan and shall work to expand the presence of the Democratic Party on college campuses across the state through coordinated campaigns and initiatives.
Section 4.
The MFCD may propose, endorse, and/or comment on those candidates, ballot initiatives, measures, or actions impacting the students of the State of Michigan. Motions concerning these matters in regards to a partisan primary shall be addressed using the voting process outlined in Article IV of this constitution,  by a majority (50% +1) of the Executive Board with the consent of any affected chapter presidents. Motions concerning these matters during a general election shall be addressed using the voting process outlined in Article IV of this constitution, upon a majority (50% +1) of the Executive Board. 
Section 1. 
Membership shall be open to all active members of a chartered chapter of MFCD.
Active members are defined by their respective chapter, although membership to the chapter must not be discriminated upon on any basis. 
Section 2.
An Executive Board shall be elected by the membership as enumerated in Article IV of this Constitution.
Section 3.
In order to maintain accurate records and credential members for any voting procedure, the MFCD shall implement a chartering process. 
Any student at an accredited Michigan college or university may request a chartering application from the Executive Board. The Membership Director shall be responsible for maintaining a chartering application that shall be available upon request to the general public. Any chartering application created by the Membership Director shall include the name of the organization, the mission of the organization, short-term and long-­term goals for the organization, and a roster of student leadership.
There will exist only one (1) chapter at an accredited Michigan undergraduate college or university. 
In order for individual chapters and chapter members to be eligible for any voting procedure, a chartering application shall be submitted at least 30 days prior to the general membership meeting in question.
Chapters have the right to revoke their charter with MFCD by way of a chapter e-board vote. In doing so, the chapter voluntarily forfeits its membership rights. 
The Executive Board may only remove a chapter from the MFCD by way of a two-thirds (⅔) super-majority vote. Removal must constitute a breach of the constitution of the MFCD, or actions unbecoming of their charter.
Section 1. 
Members of the Executive Board
The Executive Board shall be composed of the following positions: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Communications Director, Secretary, Programs Director, Membership Director, Regional Director East, Regional Director West, Regional Director North, Political Director, Chief of Staff, and Alumni Director.
Section 2. 
Elections shall be held annually in conjunction with the MFCD spring convention.
Should the MFCD fail to hold a spring convention, elections shall be held at the most immediate Michigan Democratic Party convention.
The MFCD chapters present shall elect a temporary convention chair to oversee the election of the MFCD officers. The temporary convention chair shall have the unilateral authority to appoint a convention secretary to document and notetake during the convention.
In order to vote in an MFCD election, a chapter must be accredited by the Secretary at least fourteen (14) days prior to the election. An accredited chapter shall be allowed to cast their vote through absentee ballot, which must be submitted 12 hours before the election, or through a designated proxy member of that chapter via the President of the chartered chapter
Candidates for elected office must file an Intent to Run Statement to the Secretary at least fourteen (14) days prior to the election.
Nominations from the floor shall only be permitted for positions in which there is no candidate who has filed unless a two-thirds (⅔) vote is cast by accredited chapters present to allow floor nominations. 
Candidates of the Executive Board must have been a member of their respective chapter in the year or last  year to be eligible to seek office. Executive Board members may have graduated from an accredited Michigan university or college, but are only able to serve for a period of one year after the final day of their last academic year. 
The President and Vice President shall be of different genders pursuant to MDP Rules.
Candidates will be given a maximum of three (3) minutes to speak, followed by a maximum of three (3) minutes of question and answers. 
Each accredited chapter shall be allocated three (3) votes for each office.
A simple majority (50% +1) of votes cast by accredited chapters shall be required for election to an Executive Board office. If a candidate does not receive a majority of votes, a runoff election shall occur between the two (2) candidates receiving the most votes immediately following the first election.
Elections for office shall be in the following order:
  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. Treasurer
  4. Secretary
  5. Communications Director
  6. Programs Director
  7. Membership Director
  8. Political Director
Upon the adjournment of the election proceedings, the newly elected members of the Executive Board shall have their terms begin.
Section 3. 
The President shall:
  • serve as the principal representative of MFCD.
  • serve as the chair of the Executive Board and the general membership.
  • serve as an ex officio member to all subsidiary bodies of MFCD.
  • appoint chairs to committees and caucuses with a majority approval (50% +1) from the Executive Board.
  • appoint any members to the Executive Board with a majority approval (50% +1) from the Executive Board.
  • carry out mandates, policies, and directives of the Executive Board and general membership.
  • vote on all matters before the Executive Board.
Section 4. 
Vice President
The Vice President shall:
  • assist in determining the goals and direction of MFCD.
  • assist the President in the administration of MFCD.
  • serve as an ex-officio member of all subsidiary bodies of MFCD.
  • assume the duties of President in the event of death, resignation, or removal from office.
  • chair the committee of Chairs and Presidents.
  • take on projects of their choosing with the consent of the President.
  • vote on all matters before the Executive Board.
Section 5. 
The Treasurer shall:
  • assist in determining the goals and direction of MFCD.
  • create and maintain a budget of MFCD funds.
  • maintain and report regularly on the finances of MFCD including reports on every contribution, every expenditure, and Cash on Hand at every Executive Board meeting.
  • be responsible for the implementation of the fundraising goals of the MFCD as set by the Executive Board.
  • chair the committee on finances.
  • take on projects of their choosing with the consent of the President.
  • vote on all matters before the Executive Board.
Section 6. 
The Secretary shall:
  • assist in determining the goals and direction of MFCD.
  • prepare and publish meeting minutes of all Executive Board, committee, and general membership meetings.
  • maintain all records of MFCD including chartering applications and any forms completed by chapters.
  • assist the President in the preparation of agendas for MFCD meetings.
  • act as a parliamentarian for MFCD meetings.
  • oversee the Constitution to ensure continuity and its review.
  • create and publish a monthly newsletter for the general membership.
  • manage any internal communication for MFCD.
  • take on projects of their choosing with the consent of the President.
  • vote on all matters before the Executive Board.
Section 7. 
Communications Director
The Communications Director shall:
  • assist in determining the goals and direction of MFCD.
  • be responsible for the implementation of the communication goals of MFCD.
  • serve as the MFCD liaison to the media.
  • maintain the MFCD web presence.
  • manage all social media accounts pertaining to MFCD.
  • appoint with the consent of the Executive Board a communications team and subsequent Deputy Communication Directors.
  • manage any additional external communication for MFCD.
  • chair the communications committee.
  • take on projects of their choosing with the consent of the President.
  • vote on all matters before the Executive Board.
Section 8. 
Programs Director
The Programs Director shall:
  • assist in determining the goals and direction of MFCD.
  • coordinate and execute the planning of all conferences, conventions, and retreats of MFCD.
  • assist chapters in coordinating events.
  • be responsible for the implementation of the programming goals of MFCD as set by the Executive Board.
  • shall appoint with the consent of the Executive Board a programming committee for statewide events and also chair the committee.
  • take on projects of their choosing with the consent of the President.
  • vote on all matters before the Executive Board.
Section 9. 
Membership Director
The Membership Director shall:
  • assist in determining the goals and direction of MFCD.
  • be responsible for the implementation of the membership goals as set by the Executive Board.
  • determine the chapters in each region pertaining to Regional Directors within two (2) weeks following the election with the approval of the Executive Board.
  • oversee all Regional Directors.
  • take on projects of their choosing with the consent of the President.
  • vote on all matters before the Executive Board.
Section 11. 
Political Director
The Political Director shall:
  • assist in determining the goals and direction of MFCD.
  • be responsible for the development and implementation of the political and legislative goals and priorities of MFCD.
  • identify issues on the state and local levels that affect college students and organize any efforts to affect those issues.
  • act as a liaison between MFCD and the political campaigns that are endorsed by MFCD and organize any campaign activities on behalf of MFCD to such campaigns.
  • monitor all races relevant to college students on the local, state and federal level and make regular reports to the Executive Board.
  • advise members of the general membership on opportunities to become involved in the political and legislative process.
  • act as liaison to other progressive political action organizations under the direction of the President.
  • chair the Political committee.
  • take on projects of their choosing with the consent of the President.
  • vote on all matters before the Executive Board.
Section 10. 
Regional Director
Three Regional Directors for the West, North, and East shall:
  • be appointed by the President and confirmed by a simple majority (50% +1) of chapter president and co-chairs in the region.
  • assist in determining the goals and direction of MFCD.
  • oversee all chapters in their region as prescribed by the Membership Director.
  • maintain regular contact with each chapter in their region.
  • assist all chapters in their region in their endeavors.
  • serve as an ex-officio member of the programming committee under the Programs Director.
  • relay information from the Executive Board to the chapters in their region.
  • take on projects of their choosing with the consent of the President.
  • vote on matters of the Executive Board except votes related to Section 17 votes. 
Section 12. 
Chief of Staff
The Chief of Staff shall:
  • be appointed by the President and confirmed by the Executive Board.
  • assist in determining the goals and direction of MFCD.
  • assist the President in their duties pertaining to internal management of MFCD.
  • coordinate meeting times of the MFCD Executive Board.
  • assist the President and Secretary in the preparation of the agenda for MFCD meetings.
  • upon the President's request, act as their proxy, fulfilling any obligations for the President at their will. 
  • take on projects of their choosing with the consent of the President.
  • vote on matters of the Executive Board except votes related to Section 17 votes. 
Section 13. 
Alumni Director
The Alumni Director shall:
  • be appointed by the President and confirmed by a simple majority (50% +1) of the Alumni Committee.
  • advise the Executive Board by providing institutional knowledge and experience.
  • assist any member of the Executive Board with any task when requested.
  • chair the Alumni Committee.
  • take on projects of their choosing with the consent of the President.
  • be a non-voting, advisory member of the Executive Board.
Section 14.
The Executive Board is empowered to create standing bylaws of the MFCD to regulate or define the processes in this constitution, as long as the bylaws do not supersede or conflict with any section found within this constitution. 
These bylaws may be passed by a simple majority (50% +1) of the Executive Board and amended as per specification in the bylaws. 
Section 15.
Standing and Select Committees
There shall exist six permanent, standing committees to deal with all matters within their jurisdiction. These committees are not designed to supersede the Executive Board, and may only present recommendations to the Executive Board upon the committee’s majority report (50% +1). The committee may be empowered by the Executive Board or this constitution to engage in actions within their jurisdiction. The enumerated powers stipulated below are only recommendations, and the Executive Board does not have to oblige the committee. These committees are designed to help the flow of Executive business and create a staffing corps for board members to utilize. 
These committees are not required to meet, only by the will of the President, the committee chair, or by a majority (50% +1) of the committee. 
These committees are not required to abide strictly by Article VI, with parliamentary procedure only being required by the will of the chair or by request of a committee member. 
Each committee can have one (1) deputy director, also known as a co-chair, to serve under the chair(s) to direct and lead the committee. They may be chosen at will by the chair, and dismissed at will by the chair.
The President is automatically an ex-officio member of all committees.
The Standing Committee on Finance shall: 
  • assist the Treasurer in their duties.
  • have access to all financial documents of the MFCD.
  • chaired by the Treasurer.
The Standing Committee on Programming shall:
  • assist the Programming Director in their duties.
  • help organize events hosted or co-hosted by the MFCD.
  • chaired by the Programs Director.
  • includes all Regional Directors who are ex-officio members.
The Standing Committee on Political Affairs shall:
  • assist the Political Director in their duties.
  • make recommendations on all Political Matters, including endorsements, to the Executive Board. 
  • chaired by the Political Director
The Standing Committee on Communications shall:
  • assist the Communications Director in their duties.
  • help make graphics and designs to be publicly shared.
  • help run the social media of the MFCD.
  • help write press releases of the MFCD
  • chaired by the Communications Director.
The Standing Committee of Chairs and Presidents shall:
  • consists of all chapter Presidents/Chairs.
  • give the state of their colleges and universities chapters.
  • give their perspective on the state of the MFCD and its trajectory.
  • chaired by the Vice President.
The Standing Committee of Alumni:
  • consists of all willing previous general members of the MFCD who are no longer a member of a chapter.
  • provides institutional memory.
  • provides advice and assistance wherever required by the Executive Board.
  • chaired by the Alumni Director.
  • approves the President's nominee for Alumni Director.
The President is also empowered to create Select Committees, on any matter deemed pertinent by the President. The scope of the committee will be well defined, and then it’s creation approved by a simple majority (50% +1) of the Executive Board. 
Section 16. 
Issue Caucuses
The caucuses of the MFCD shall be what defines the organization's perspective on issues and be how general membership conveys the will of college students. No caucuses are listed, but will exist upon the will of the President. A caucus may be formed to deal with any specific issue or general area. These caucuses are to determine relevant issue facts, statistics, the impact on college students, and form a recommendation on the area for the Executive Board to hear. 
The President will name a caucus chair, approved by a simple majority (50% +1) of the Executive Board. 
These caucuses are not required to meet, only by the will of the President, the caucus chair, or by a majority (50% +1) of the caucus. 
These caucuses are not required to abide strictly by Article VI, with parliamentary procedure only being required by the will of the chair or by request of a committee member. 
The President is automatically an ex-officio member of all caucuses.
Section 17. 
Appointment and Removals to Committees or Caucuses
People for committee or caucus positions may be nominated by the President or chair of their given committee or caucus with the President's consent. Nominees will then be confirmed by a simple majority (50% +1) of the Executive Board.
Nominations to any committee or caucus are open to anyone in the general membership, excluding the Standing Committees of Chairs and Presidents and the Standing Committee of Alumni, who shall abide by their own procedure.
Anyone can serve on one or more of the committees and caucuses.
There is no limit to number of people on a committee or caucus
Any member of a committee or caucus can be removed by the will of the chair or by the President.
Section 18. 
Removal from Office
The causes for removal shall be defined as: malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance of assigned duties, being convicted of a felony, or upon other grounds found by the Executive Board to constitute sufficient cause. This procedure supersedes that of Article VIII, and impeachment may occur separate from the process stipulated therein.
To initiate the removal process against any Executive Board member bar the President, the following will occur:
  1. Any Executive Board member may charge the officer with the reasons for their removal during a meeting of the Executive Board OR a majority (50% +1) of the Standing Committee of Chairs and Presidents may charge the officer with the reasons for their removal during a meeting of the Standing Committee,
  2. The officer in question shall be offered the opportunity to defend themselves in front of the Executive Board,
  3. The Executive Board is empowered to create a Select Committee to investigate any charges before acting on a motion to remove, but a committee is not required,
  4. The Executive Board shall vote on a motion to remove any officer of the Executive Board excluding the President with a simple majority (50% +1) of elected offices (those being President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Communications Director, Programs Director, Membership Director, and Political Director) constituting passage. The officer is then removed.
If the President were to receive this procedure, the following is to occur:
  1. The Elected Executive Board shall vote on a motion to forward impeachment of the President onto the general membership with a simple majority vote (50% +1) deciding if the recommendation is made,
  2. The Secretary shall schedule a general membership meeting via an in-person or video conference call to address the recommendation for removal of the President,
  3. A two-thirds (⅔) supermajority of the chartered chapters is required to remove the President. If a chapter(s) is not active or non responsive within two (2) weeks then proceedings may go on without them, and they will be excluded from being added to the total chapter count.
Should any officer be removed, the office shall be declared vacant and the position will be filled in pursuance to the procedure outlined in this constitution.
Section 19. 
A vacancy shall be declared if a member of the Executive Board dies, resigns, or is removed from office.
The President shall have the authority to fill any vacancy by appointing a nominee from the general membership and must do so within two (2) weeks of the vacancy being declared.
The Executive Board shall vote to approve the nominee by a simple majority (50% +1) vote within two (2) weeks of the appointment by the President.
Section 1.
The MFCD shall convene at least two (2) general membership meetings each academic year. Notification shall be sent by the Secretary to the Presidents of the chartered chapters at least 30 days prior to the general membership meeting.
Section 2.
No less than a simple majority quorum (50% +1) of the chartered chapters shall be present in order for the MFCD to conduct business.
Section 3.
During meetings of the general membership each chartered chapter shall receive one vote for each motion (with the exceptions of elections as outlined in Article IV). The President of each chartered chapter or his or her designee shall cast the vote for his or her chapter.
Section 1.
The most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order (RONR) shall govern all issues not expressly addressed in this document or additional rules adopted by the MFCD.
Section 1. 
Amendments to this Constitution shall be proposed by any member of the general membership.
Section 2.
Amendments must be presented to the Secretary of the MFCD prior to their presentation on the floor of any general membership meeting.
Section 3.
Motions concerning Amendments to this Constitution shall be addressed using the voting process outlined in Article V of this Constitution. Proposed Amendments shall become valid and supersede this Constitution upon approval by a two-thirds (⅔) supermajority of those chartered chapters voting at a general membership meeting.
Section 4.
This Constitution shall be reviewed and approved biannually at the Spring Convention by general membership.
The Michigan Federation of College Democrats (MFCD) strives to be an organization where all College Democrats can work to advance the ideals of the Democratic Party without fear, intimidation, discrimination, or harassment. We recognize that while we’re a party that champions the rights of women, minorities, and LGBTQ+ people, we often fall short of giving historically disenfranchised people seats at the table. It’s on us to ensure that MFCD is an organization that is inclusive, equitable, intersectional, and without tolerance of discrimination and harassment. 
To this end, we establish this code of conduct to be clear on the actions that we will not tolerate and outline how we will hold people accountable for choices that make our organization less inclusive and equitable. 
Section 1. 
Conduct Policy
At MFCD, we do not tolerate: 
  • Sexual Harassment and Misconduct: Any form of non consensual sexual activity, unwanted sexual advances, unwanted visuals or exposure, or verbal and physical harassment that demean, shame, or pressure another individual into a sexual action.
  • Discrimination: treating people in a prejudiced way based on their actual or perceived race, color, creed, sex, age, national origin, socioeconomic status, religion or lack thereof, ethnicity, ancestry, marital status, health status including HIV status, sexual orientation, gender identity, appearance, or ability. 
  • Bullying: actions, either physical or verbal, that are intended to threaten, intimidate, demean, or embarrass any person. This may include, but is not limited to: name calling, threat to cause physical or social harm, starting and spreading rumors, or embarrassing someone in public. 
Section 2. 
Any alleged breach of this conduct policy shall be reported in writing to the President of MFCD within 30 days of the incident with the exception of sexual assault which has no time limitation. Allegations made against the President shall be reported in writing to the Vice President. If an individual doesn’t feel comfortable reporting these allegations to either the President or Vice President, an individual can report to another Executive Board member who will process the report. The President, Vice President, or other Executive Board Member receiving a report must refer the case to the established three-person (3) investigative panel within 24 hours of receiving the report. 
The President, Vice President, or other Executive Board member that receives the report must inform the defendant of the allegation against them. They must also ensure that both parties understand the process the report will go through and are comfortable with all three (3) members of the panel. 
Reports should include as much information as possible surrounding the incident, any evidence that exists, and the names of any witnesses. 
This process should not be misconstrued as a form of mandatory reporting. If the person reporting the incident does not wish to undergo any part of this process, then no investigation will be mounted.
Section 3.
The investigation shall be conducted by a three-person (3) panel composed of select MFCD members that are chosen by the President upon the notification of charges against an individual. The panel shall include three (3) individuals. If either the plaintiff or the defendant doesn’t feel comfortable with an individual on this panel, the President shall decide whether to appoint a temporary panelist that both sides can agree on. 
Within one week of receiving the case, the three-person (3) panel must investigate the allegations, interview all witnesses brought forth by the plaintiff and defendant, determine the validity of the allegation, and submit a detailed report with recommendations on corrective action to the Executive Board. Throughout this process, the panel must speak either over the phone or over video call at least once to go over the findings and vote on the report and recommendations. The panel must be unanimous in its agreement with the report and recommendations on corrective action. 
Section 4.
Upon receiving the report, the Executive Board must put the item on the agenda of their next meeting where a two-thirds (⅔) vote must be taken to accept the panel's report, confirm their recommendations, or amend the report and recommendations in any way. 
If wrongdoing is found by the panel and confirmed by the Executive Board, corrective action may include, but is not limited to: 
  • Personal Reconciliation: The defendant apologizing and acknowledging the error in their ways and committing to not do the action again. 
  • Suspension: from either their specific position (or from holding a position altogether) in MFCD and/or all MFCD activities for an established period of time. 
  • Expulsion: a permanent removal from either their specific position (or holding a position altogether) in MFCD and/or all MFCD activities.
A violation of the terms of this corrective action shall be reported so the violation can be investigated by the panel aforementioned in previous sections and additional corrective action may be applied.