MFCD’s Statement regarding SCOTUS Student Loan Ruling

Grand Rapids, Michigan | July 1st, 2023 | 4:30 PM


Michiganders are deeply unsettled and disappointed by the Supreme Court's ruling to strike down President Biden's plan for student debt forgiveness. In our country, the cost of secondary education has continued to skyrocket. Inflation has continued to increase, making the financial demands of life more difficult. Wages have not risen to meet those needs.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans desperately need the support we could have so easily given them to continue to keep the lights on and put food on their tables.

We find it disturbing that the six supreme court justices that voted to strike down student loan forgiveness, who have not had to worry about where their next meal would come from, or how they were going to keep the lights on, would take that support away from the American people.

We are optimistic that President Biden, Vice President Harris, their administration, and our Democratic members of Congress will continue to work toward securing student loan forgiveness for the American people.



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